Shepherd Thoughts

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Ordination Questions for Harmartiology (Sin)

These questions have been compiled from 10 ordinations within Baptist Church in West Michigan. I trust these will help you prepare for ordination and appreciate the Truth of God and His Word!

Ordination #1

1.         Did sin originate with Adam?

2.         When did Adam sin?

3.         Where in the universe did sin originate?

4.         When did sin originate?

5.         Define “total depravity.”

6.         Is unregenerate man able not to sin?

7.         In what way was death the result of sin?

8.         What does the word “death” mean?

9.         In the book of 1 John, make a distinction between “sin” and “sins.”

10.        Do we sin because we are sinners, or are we sinners because we sin? Why is this important?

11.        Give a definition of sin.

12.         What is the relationship between the revealed will of God and sin? (Romans 7:7-12)

13.         What is the sin unto death?

14.   Explain 1 Corinthians 11:29-31 and 1 John 5:16 and Acts 5:1-10.

15.   Is condemnation in hell the result of acts of sin or of the sin nature? Give Biblical support.

16.   What about Matthew 23:14 and the severity of punishment?

17.   What are some results of the entrance of sin?

18.   What is the unpardonable sin?

Ordination #2

1. How are we connected and complicit in Adam’s fall?

2. Please explain the concept of imputed? Scripture?

3. How does someone who lives a long and full life and only sins a few times need truth?

4. What is holy?

5. Are all sins equal?

6. Is sin only the “really bad” ones or obvious one? What is the standard of sin?

7. What are some of the words in the bible that help define sin?

8. Did Satan create sin?

Ordination #3

1. Imputed vs Seminal Headship – why both? Explain Rom 5?

2. Is a young child or pre-born, destined for hell or heaven?

Ordination #4

1. Sin: for or against it?

2. What is a Man? What is a Women?

3. Follow up: Is it essential that we stick to these?

4. Is Gender a Tier 1 issue for you?

5. If you son wants to be a girl, what would you do?

6. Do you believe that CRT(Critical Race Theory) is helpful or not helpful today?

7. Does CRT see the problem with systems or individuals?

8. Why did you put the “Genesis 1-11” statement in your paper?

9. Given Racial tensions and CRT, how do Christians/Pastors/Churches respond?

10. Genesis 1 statement is 24-hour literal days. How would you respond to a church that wants to be more open?

11. How would you respond to the tension between hurting someone’s feeling and the truth of God’s Word?

Ordination #5

- What role does confession play in the corporate life of a church and a believer?

- Should confession be involved corporately more than at the Lord’s Supper?

- Would you be against alter calls in light of James. Is there a place for public confession of sin?

- Explain church discipline and the public confession of sin

Ordination #6

1. Total depravity with regards to sexual orientation, explain?

2. The current struggle with sin, how do we deal with it?

3. Define Total Depravity

4. Someone rejected Christianity because of sin and God’s Torture of his Son by making him die?

5. God’s attributes in understanding that we are sinners

6. “All men sinned,” is God basically bad or good?

7. Are all sins equal? Explain.

8. Sin, are you for or against?

Ordination #7

1. Why did you combine the two into one statement?

2. What does it mean that God was made in the image of God?

3. How are we being conformed to the image of Christ? What practically does it look like? Passage that gives us a picture of his image?

4. What is marriage as defined by God’s Word?

5. What should someone do regarding thoughts of same sex attraction?

6. Your statement regarding Divorce and Remarriage

7. God created me as a transvestite – please respond.

8. Respond to the concept of “White privilege.”

9. Respond to how a church can be involved in social justice issues

10. How do you respond when doing social justice assignments you are serving for Christ but others are serving just to do good? How can we work together (Moral vs Faith Serving)?

Ordination #8

1. With whom did sin originate - ultimately original sin?

2. Can an unbeliever do anything righteous?

3. Sin nature: define and explain. Whole nature: define and explain.

4. Why did God include sin in His sovereign plan?

5. Have you baptized your little girl?

6. What have you done with her original sin?

7. Does a baby go to Heaven?

8. Why don't we baptize babies?

9. Why do some baptize babies? Are they saved?

10. How does the redemptive work of Christ affect sin nature? i.e. 2 Corinthians 5 - in Christ, new creation

11. “So and so” sinned against me. How would you lead them?

Ordination #9

·       What does it mean that man is totally depraved?

·       Does Ezekiel and Isaiah refer to the fall of Satan or to a literal man?

·       Is sin really that bad? Was Adam’s sin a mistake or what?

·       What scriptures would you use to help a man with enslaving sin?

·       If man it totally depraved, can he respond to God in any way, especially in Salvation?

·       If divorce isn’t the ‘unpardonable sin’, what is?

·       What is the sin nature? When a person comes to Christ, does is the sin nature removed?

Ordination #10

How would you counsel a young couple who lost a baby or a child who was not able to comprehend the gospel? What is the spiritual condition of such individuals?

Do you believe that male headship is a result of the fall? Does this headship pattern hold in society at large or only in marriage?

What do you mean that sin was imputed?

Why doesn't God scrap humanity?

How would you respond to someone who claims that God isn't fair?

At what age does our sin get credited to us?

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