Ordination Question for Eschatology (End Times)

These questions have been compiled from 10 ordinations within Baptist Church in West Michigan. I trust these will help you prepare for ordination and appreciate the Truth of God and His Word!

Ordination #1

1.         Give Biblical proof for pre-trib and pre-mill position.

2.         Give Biblical proof of the existence of a literal 1000 year reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.

3.         Is the tribulation part of the church age?

4.         What is the difference between the judgement seat of Christ and the Great White Throne judgement?

5.         Will there be judgement for sin at the judgement seat?

6.         How do you know that the tribulation will be seven years long?

7.         Who is the man of sin?

8.         Who is the beast?

9.         When will the O.T. saints be resurrected?

10.   What is the relationship of Israel to the millennium?

11.   How do you know that we are not now in the tribulation period?

12.   Who are the 144,000? Give Biblical proof.

13.   What is the practical value of preaching on last things if we are not going to be here?

14.   To whom was the Olivet discourse delivered?

15.   In that discourse, what three questions did the disciples ask the Lord Jesus Christ? Which questions did He answer? Why did He not answer all of them?

16.   Give Biblical proof that there will be people entering the millennium alive in their natural bodies?

17.   Who are the ones who rebel against Christ in Revelation 20?

18.   Will there be any death in the millennium?

19.   Give some Biblical passages that describe life during the millennium.

20.   Give Biblical demonstration that both heaven and hell are of eternal duration.

Ordination #2

1. Is there a difference between Israel and the Church?

2. Are there promises that are unfulfilled that apply to only Israel? (HINT: Land Promise)

3. Is there as difference between political Israel and the nation of Israel?

4. Is there judgement at the end, for followers of Christ?

5. Your position is pre-trib, premillennial, how dogmatic are you with regards to this?

a. What are two of three items that you stand sure on? (Hint – Christ will return, Judgement is sure, Glorified State in New heaven)

6. Please explain your first statement of this item?

7. When you die where do you go?

8. Distinguish the rapture and the second coming of Christ?

Ordination #3

1. Restoration and Promises fulfilled: give us one or two fulfilments to Israel.

Ordination #4

1. What happens when you die?

2. How can you worship who is perceived as not merciful?

3. Do you believe that Christ is currently reigning or exalted right now?

4. What would you say the eschatological ramifications of the Abrahamic covenant?

5. Are you prepared to take the position of reformed in your soteriology and dispensational in your eschatology, these often don’t match? Please Explain.

Ordination #5

- Define: Recompense, Stewardship, Justification

- Who is the antichrist?

- How do you talk to the students about hell?

- Restored creation or new creation?

- Explain how you are applying the Olivet Discourse in light of your End Times view?

- Matt 24:30-32 – is this a latter event?

- What are the non-negotiables in the book of Revelation?

- Define the Day of the Lord? Event or 7 years?

Ordination #6

1. How certain are you on your view? Is there freedom within end times view?

2. So, someone can be a Godly individual and be different here?

3. What kind of ways can someone serve in your church if they differ in their view? Deacon, Staff, etc?

4. Let’s say you started your own church and they had different perspective, would you let them preach?

5. You statement gives lengths and details, what is the purpose of the tribulation and millennium?

6. Is there a particular group that God is dealing with during these (Tribulation and Millennium) time period?

7. What will be God’s specific dealings with Israel during the millennium? What specific promises to Israel is God answering?

8. If you were called to another church that had a different view of Eschatology would you feel comfortable with that call?

9. Practically, when someone is figuring out the end times items, how would you counsel and encourage them?

10. Do you think it is a good thing to prepare individuals to equip people with better Hermeneutics?

11. How does the end of the story give you hope?

Ordination #7

1. Eternal damnation seems like overkill, how would you respond?

2. “Church spared from the wrath to come” - Jews who are saved during the tribulation will experience the wrath, why would God let them stay there?

3. How would you advise an older person that thinks it will be happening very soon and keeps watching the news?

4. Make the argument for pretribulation rapture.

5. Define the “wrath to come” is this only the tribulation and/or final judgement?

6. Why does the end of the story give you hope, or not?

Ordination #8

1. Where do you see the Church in Revelation 4-19?

2. How do you reconcile this?

3. Why is your view of the end times different from your churches position?

4. Is this a church issue?

5. Why would the Church go through the Tribulation?

6. You are pre-millennial?

7. Who will live on the New Heaven?

8. What is the purpose of the New Heaven if they are the same?

9. Regarding Revelation 4-19: How do you think about that time in regards to God's wrath? The Sixth Seal? Are they believers, or what do you think?

10. Will God save believers if a building is destroyed and both are in there?

11. Will a believer get the Mark of the Beast?

12. Are you still studying the Post-Trib - Pre-Trib positions?

13. Who have you read that have contributed to your views on Pre-Trib and Post-Trib?

14. When do we return with Christ to set up rule?

Ordination #9

·       Is the church Israel?

·       How important is your conviction about the doctrine of End Times when compared with other doctrine in your statement? Would a difference in End Times doctrine cause you to break fellowship with a person?

·       How do you deal with 2 Thessalonians 3:14?

·       What is the blood moon? Do you really believe in Hell and why would a loving God send anyone to Hell? Is it fair that a ‘couple of hours’ of sin condemns someone to Hell?

·       How can a person who has never heard the name of Christ be sent to Hell?

·       What hope would you give a family that has lost a loved one?

·       Do you see degrees in Hell?

·       What hope do you give a family that has a severely autistic child?

Ordination #10

Is there anything different that should be said about the eternal state - particularly regarding the unsaved?

What can we say about heaven? Can you describe the physical component of heaven?

Are there any non-negotiables in this area of eschatology?

Is there an end to the suffering of the wicked?

Brian Cederquist

Brian Cederquist has the privilege to serve Christ as the Lead Pastor at Good News Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, MI. He holds degrees from Faith Baptist Bible Seminary (MDiv) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (DMin) and is a certified Biblical Counselor (ACBC).

Brian serves on several boards both locally and nationally including Regular Baptist Ministries (GARBC) and Lincoln Lake Camp. Brian and his wife Jenni have three kids.


Creating a Culture of Outreach


Ordination Questions for Soteriology (Salvation)