Shepherd Thoughts

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Ordination Questions for Christology (Christ)

These questions have been compiled from 10 ordinations within Baptist Church in West Michigan. I trust these will help you prepare for ordination and appreciate the Truth of God and His Word!

Ordination #1

Explain Colossians 1:15, drawing attention to the Jehovah’s Witness interpretation, and showing the eternality of Jesus. (Explain Psalm 2:7.)

What is the difference between the sonship of Jesus and our sonship?

Give some O.T. verses indicating that God has a son.

Why did Jesus have no sin nature?

Prove the deity of Jesus from the Bible.

What is the difference between deity and divinity?

What was involved in the temptation?

Could Jesus have sinned? (Explain John 14:30.)

Define the hypostatic union.

Give Biblical proof of the true humanity of Christ.

Reconcile Hebrews 13:8 with the fact that Jesus has not always had a human body.

What is the relation between the Lord Jesus and the physical universe?

Why was Jesus baptized?

In relation to the atonement, was the righteousness of Jesus inherent or earned?

What threefold positions or ministries does Jesus have?

What was the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Lord Jesus during His earthly life and ministry? (Explain Luke 1:35.)

What are the benefits of the death of Christ?

What is involved in Philippians 2:5-8?

Why is the bodily resurrection important?

Is the Lord Jesus in a body now?

In relation to the death of Christ, Explain: Accident theory, Martyr theory and Example theory

What is the Lord Jesus doing now?

What works does Jesus have yet to do?

What do we mean by the phrase “Substitutionary Atonement”?

What happened during the 3 days and 3 nights?

Ordination #2

1.         Do you think if I was “really” full of the Spirit, can I do what Jesus did? “God mode”

2.         Is Jesus uniquely different that we are?

3.         Since God can’t be tempted, how was Jesus Tempted?

4.         If he was unable to sin, was he not fully human? Was it possible for him to sin?

5.         Where do we see His attributes show that He is Deity?

6.         When did the incarnation start and when did it end?

7.         Did Christ raise in a Redeemed or Glorified State?

8.         Are there instances where Christ self-proclaimed his deity?

9.         Does Jesus have any roles in our lives today?

10.   When Hebrews says that Jesus helps those who are tempted, how does Jesus help us today?

11.   Please talk about the priestly ministry of Christ? (Past, Present and Future)

12.   Is there a place for his life as necessary for our Salvation?

13.   Are we saved by both His passive and active obedience?

14.   How would you respond to a student who questions “three days and three nights” when Jesus died on a Friday and Jesus rose again on a Sunday?

15.   You say “Christ is pre-existent and eternal” How and what biblical proof? (Need to get a proof – John 1)

16.   Why would we be lost without the resurrection?

17.   Does the resurrection only address spiritual death? How about physical death?

18.   Define “Emptied himself?”

19.   How important is it to you that Jesus was the propitiation for our sins? (Be personal)

Ordination #3

1. Can you generally explain the sonship of Jesus Christ?

2. “Eternally proceeding from the Father” Please explain?

3. Sinlessness of Christ, define what innocence means? Neutral or Holy?

4. Hypostatic union – Passage?

5. Define learned submission and Learned obedience?

6. Please explain Jesus, Offer of the kingdom?

Ordination #4

1.     Does “regeneration come before justification?”

2.     What if I am not elect, can I try to get saved?

3.     How is it possible that you don’t believe in “Free will” in this age?

4.     With a strong view on the Sovereignty of God, how to you do the work of the evangelist?

5.     Clarify the new and old natures that are within us as believers?

6.     What is the golden chain? Can this link break?

7.     Atonement: what do you do with infants when they die?

8.     Follow up: So, infants have a place in God’s salvific plan?

9.     Imagine you are talking to a mom, and she says, “I know my son trusted Christ but now he is an adult and is not persevering in the faith,” how would you respond?

10.  As you think about Salvation, what are some of the disconnections that someone who professes might have or are holding them back from being a true follower of Christ?

11.  What happened to Joshua Harris? Give us your opinion??

Ordination #5

- Jesus and eternal submission of Jesus to God (EFS), Please clarify and explain

- Did the Son submit to the Father before coming to Earth?

- Matt 4:26 – Explain in terms of Christ’s omniscient and humanity

- “Truly God and Truly Man” why not fully?

- Are you committed to the immutability of the Godhead?

- Please explain the EFS. (Essense vs function of God)

- What is Jesus doing now (Posture)?

- What does it mean “To the Glory of God the Father” in light of your view of the submission of Christ. (Phil 2)

- Is it right to say that “God died on the cross”?

- Is God able to die?

Ordination #6

1. What does it mean that Jesus is our advocate?

2. After Christ ascended to be with the Father after?

3. Is there significance that Jesus went to heaven and the significance with the concept of atonement?

4. Jesus and his divinity – Explain the 100% God and 100% man and how he could grow in knowledge?

5. Explained that he laid aside his rights and privileges

6. How do you explain Jesus ability to be tempted but in ability to sin?

7. There are a lot of articles written that reference that Jesus did not talk about something – we should not be concerned with it.

8. We cannot be like Jesus in several ways, what are fruits of becoming to be like Christ? Explain being Christ-like?

9. Based on Phil 2 passage, what does it mean to have the mind of Christ?

10. Can you articulate the significant that Jesus was born of a virgin

11. Was it necessary for Jesus to be born of a virgin and why?

12. What do we lose if we don’t have a born of a virgin, Savior?

13. Please share verses that share that Jesus is the coming Messiah?

14. Speak to the centrality and preeminence of Christ, how does this affect your life, preaching and ministry?

15. Why was Jesus Baptized?

Ordination #7

1. Can you articulate the significance that Jesus was born of a virgin?

2. Did Jesus get his human nature (100%) from Mary?

3. Is there any stain in Mary and her human nature?

4. They don’t mind Jesus but not as God, please respond?

5. Speak to the centrality and preeminence of Christ in our lives, preaching, and ministry?

6. How does the trinity play into prayer? If you do it wrong then what is wrong?

7. What role did the Holy Spirit have in the life and ministry of Christ?

8. Would you summarize the Sermon on the Mount and your views of it?

9. Did Jesus ever use the Spirit to accomplish miracles?

10. Can man use the Spirit to accomplish miracles today?

11. Study the New Perspective on Paul!

12. Do you believe that you wrote on Justification?

Ordination #8

1. Explain that Christ emptied Himself.

2. Was Mary a virgin forever?

3. Explain atonement in mankind.

4. Why is true humanity important for His role of Messiah?

5. Does "our" refer to church or Him as our personal Savior?

6. Do you have proof that Christ is King of the Church?

7. Are Lord and King similar?

8. Do you see distinction between the Church and Israel?

Ordination #9

·       Explain why it is eternally significant to believe in Christ? And why is He the only way and describe His incarnation ministry?

·       Who is Jesus to you?

·       Where do you put Jesus in standing of importance in reference to your wife, kids, etc.?

·       Is your ministry more important than your wife?

·       What impact does the resurrection have on your view of discipleship and how you instruct people to grow and change?

·       Help me understand Jesus as God and Man? When Jesus cries in John, is that as man or God?

·       What did Jesus lay aside in Philippians 2?

·       Explain the necessity of the Virgin Birth?

Ordination #10

What verses address the deity of Christ?

There is a cultural shift which minimizes the importance of Christ. Who is Christ to you?

Was Christ involved in creation?

Why is important that Christ has both a divine nature and human nature? How does this have bearing on salvation and his ability to be an atoning sacrifice?

How did Jesus perform miracles when he restricted his divine attributes?

What does immutable mean? If God is immutable, how could Jesus be made perfect (Hebrews 5:8-9)?

How did the Holy Spirit impact Jesus' life and ministry?

How important is the virgin birth in relationship to the deity of Jesus?

Would you say that Jesus is smart? What is the core content of his teaching? Where might we find his secondary teaching?

Why is the virgin birth a “10” in terms of importance?

What do you think of Mary as “the mother of God?”

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