Guarding Your Heart: Overcoming the Temptation of Coveting Another Person’s Spouse

Guarding your Heart Covet Overcoming Temptation

You can overcome!

The sin of coveting doesn’t stop with material possessions; it often reaches into the most intimate areas of life—relationships. One of the most tragic examples in the Bible is the story of King David’s sin with Bathsheba. What began as a moment of unchecked desire led to devastating consequences for David, Bathsheba, and their families. Coveting another person’s spouse not only dishonors God's design for marriage but also breaks trust and causes deep pain.

The Downfall of a King: David’s Sin with Bathsheba

The story in 2 Samuel 11 reveals a stark warning about the dangers of unchecked desire. King David, from the rooftop of his palace, saw Bathsheba bathing. Instead of turning away and guarding his heart, he allowed his covetousness to take root. David sent for her, committed adultery, and later attempted to cover up his sin by arranging the death of her husband, Uriah.

David’s actions were not just a momentary lapse in judgment; they were the result of a heart consumed by lust and coveting. He desired what was not his to have, and that desire grew into actions that dishonored God, dishonored marriage, and caused long-lasting harm.

The Call to Honor Marriage

Scripture is clear about the value and sacredness of marriage. Hebrews 13:4 declares, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.” Marriage is a covenant designed by God, meant to reflect the faithfulness, love, and unity that God desires between Himself and His people.

When we covet someone else's spouse, we dishonor that sacred covenant, both in our own relationships and in the relationships of others. Honoring marriage means guarding not only our actions but also our thoughts, attitudes, and desires.

Guarding the Heart Against Lust

Jesus raised the standard when He addressed the issue of lust. In Matthew 5:28, He said, “But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Jesus didn’t focus solely on the outward actions but went straight to the heart of the issue: unchecked lust. It starts in the mind and heart long before it manifests in behavior.

Guarding your heart against lust requires intentionality. It means setting boundaries, being aware of what you allow into your mind, and choosing to flee from situations that could lead to temptation. It’s a daily choice to surrender your desires to God and ask for His strength to honor Him in thought and action.

The Beauty of Contentment in Relationships

Coveting another person’s spouse often stems from discontentment. When we’re dissatisfied in our relationships, we’re more vulnerable to the temptation to look elsewhere for fulfillment. But the truth is, no other relationship can provide what only God can.

Philippians 4:12-13 teaches us the secret of contentment. Whether in abundance or in lack, our satisfaction and fulfillment come from Christ. When we anchor our hearts in God’s love and provision, we are less likely to look elsewhere to fill the void. Contentment in Christ empowers us to value and nurture the relationships God has given us.

Practical Ways to Guard Against Coveting Someone Else’s Spouse

  1. Foster Gratitude in Your Own Marriage: If you’re married, focus on nurturing and strengthening your own relationship. Express gratitude for your spouse and invest time and effort into building intimacy and trust.

  2. Set Boundaries with the Opposite Sex: Be wise in your interactions, whether you’re married or single. Setting boundaries helps prevent situations where coveting can take root.

  3. Renew Your Mind Daily: Meditate on Scripture that speaks to purity, contentment, and God’s design for relationships. Filling your mind with God’s Word is one of the most effective ways to guard your heart.

  4. Seek Accountability: If you’re struggling with thoughts of coveting another person’s spouse, don’t battle it alone. Seek accountability from a trusted friend or mentor who can help you stay on the right path.

  5. Pray for a Pure Heart: Ask God to purify your desires and help you honor Him in every area of your life, including your thoughts and relationships.


The story of David and Bathsheba is a sobering reminder of how far unchecked coveting can take us. Yet, it also points to the mercy and grace of God, who is ready to forgive and restore when we turn to Him in repentance. We are called to honor marriage and guard our hearts against lust, trusting that God’s plan for our relationships is good.

Coveting another person’s spouse not only dishonors the sanctity of marriage but also damages the soul. But with the help of Christ, we can guard our hearts, honor our relationships, and find contentment in Him alone. Let us strive to protect our hearts, cherish the gift of marriage, and seek purity in all things.

May God give us the strength to honor Him in our desires, our thoughts, and our actions.

Brian Cederquist

Brian Cederquist has the privilege to serve Christ as the Lead Pastor at Good News Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, MI. He holds degrees from Faith Baptist Bible Seminary (MDiv) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (DMin) and is a certified Biblical Counselor (ACBC).

Brian serves on several boards both locally and nationally including Regular Baptist Ministries (GARBC) and Lincoln Lake Camp. Brian and his wife Jenni have three kids.

Breaking Free from the Grip of Greed: Overcoming Coveting Material Possessions