Christmas Prophecy: Simeon – Witnessing God's Promise Fulfilled (Luke 2:25-38)
Promises Fulfilled
As we continue our journey through the Christmas Prophecy series, in Part 5, we focus on Simeon and his incredible encounter with the baby Jesus in the temple. Simeon’s story in Luke 2:25-38 reveals how God works through those who are righteous, devout, and dependent on Him. Simeon lived in expectation of seeing God’s promise fulfilled, and because of his faithfulness, God allowed him to witness the arrival of the Messiah.
Through Simeon’s story, we learn key traits that help us recognize and experience God's work in our lives. Let’s dive into this remarkable narrative and see how we can be more open to seeing God work today.
1. Trust Jesus as Your Savior
In Luke 2:25, we learn that Simeon was a righteous man. To be called righteous in Scripture is a powerful statement. Romans 3:10 tells us that there is none righteous—so how is it that Simeon was given this title? The answer lies in Simeon’s faith. He was one of the few in Israel who recognized the coming of the Messiah and placed his hope in Him. Though Jesus had not yet come in His fullness, Simeon trusted in God’s promise of salvation. Just as Simeon trusted in the coming Savior, we too must place our faith in Jesus as our personal Savior.
2. Seek a Righteous and Devout Life
Simeon was not only righteous but also devout (Luke 2:25). To be devout means to have deep religious feeling or commitment. Simeon’s life was a testimony of careful, reverent obedience to God. He didn’t live a life of shallow faith or merely go through the motions of religious ritual. Instead, he earnestly sought to live a life that honored God.
For us, living a righteous and devout life doesn’t happen by accident. It requires commitment, time, and patience. Simeon’s example encourages us to seek a deeper relationship with God, one that goes beyond routine and is marked by genuine devotion.
3. Depend Upon God's Spirit
In Luke 2:25-27, the Holy Spirit is mentioned three times in connection with Simeon. The Holy Spirit was upon him, revealing God’s plan and guiding him to the temple at the precise moment when Jesus arrived. Simeon’s life was one of complete dependence on the Spirit of God. He didn’t rely on his own wisdom or abilities but walked daily in the power of the Spirit.
Just as Galatians 5:16 commands us to walk by the Spirit, we too must depend on God’s Spirit to guide us in our everyday lives. When we are led by the Spirit, we are more attuned to how God is working around us.
4. Recognize God's Sovereignty
When Simeon finally met Jesus, he called out to God with the title “Sovereign Lord” (Luke 2:29). This is an acknowledgment of God’s absolute authority. Simeon recognized that everything, including his life and death, was under God's control. He referred to himself as God’s bond-servant, fully surrendered to God’s will.
The sovereignty of God means that He has supreme authority and control over all things. Simeon understood that he was not his own but belonged to God, as 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 reminds us. In our lives, we must also submit to God’s sovereignty, trusting Him in every circumstance.
5. Listen to God in Obedience
Simeon was not only led by the Spirit to the temple, but he also listened and obeyed. When Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the temple, they likely appeared as just another poor, ordinary couple. But Simeon, directed by the Holy Spirit, recognized that this was no ordinary child—this was the Messiah.
He wasn’t looking for a grand display of royalty or a lavish procession. Instead, with eyes of faith, Simeon saw in this humble baby the Light of the world, born to bring salvation to both Israel and the Gentiles.
Simeon’s ability to recognize Jesus came from his walk with God and his obedience to the Spirit. Obedience is key to seeing God work in our lives. It is through humble obedience that we come to know God’s will and experience His presence.
6. Praise God for His Work
How did Simeon respond to this miraculous moment? He praised God! In Luke 2:29-32, Simeon lifted his voice in praise, thanking God for allowing him to see the salvation that had been promised for so long. He recognized that Jesus was the fulfillment of God’s promise, not only for Israel but for the entire world.
When we witness God working in our lives, our response should be one of praise. Like Simeon, we should give thanks to God for His faithfulness, His provision, and His salvation.
Conclusion: Seeking God’s Work in Our Lives
Simeon’s encounter with the baby Jesus teaches us what it means to be open to seeing God work. By trusting in Jesus, seeking righteousness, depending on the Spirit, recognizing God’s sovereignty, listening in obedience, and offering praise, we too can witness the incredible ways God fulfills His promises.
As we reflect on this story during the Christmas season, let us ask ourselves: Are we living in such a way that we can see God at work in our lives? Like Simeon, may we be faithful, obedient, and full of hope in God’s promise of salvation through Jesus Christ.