Shepherd Thoughts

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Living in God's Way: Lessons from Malachi for Modern Believers

In our passage today, we have come to the end of Malachi. The last words that God has for the people of Israel for 400 years. The final message of a man who has pointed out the lukewarm lives that these Israelites have been living. Here in these verses, Malachi is showing the people that they can live in excitement for the future. That they can live a life of great hope in God because He has been faithful and will be faithful to His people. Malachi even points out that they don’t have to live in terror of an almighty God but in hope that God is a just Judge and that God’s way is the best.

The Final Words of Malachi 4:1-6

These six verses are a response to a question that was posed in 3:14 – "What profit is it that we have kept His ordinance, and that we have walked as mourners Before the Lord of hosts?" The Israelites really did not see why they needed to follow God’s way. They were going through the motions walking around like they were repentant, but when God did not give them what they wanted they were disappointed in His plan. Malachi tells them two specific things that they can hope in, but only if they are living a righteous life.

Hope in the Day of the Lord

Malachi begins by assuring the Israelites there is hope in the day of the Lord for the righteous in the first three verses. The Israelites were looking forward to this day as an exciting day, when the Messiah would come and set up his kingdom. This was the day that they could not wait for. The problem was that they failed to realize that there was more to this day than just what could benefit them. The day of the Lord includes a component of Judgment.

Judgment on the Arrogant

By God’s own mouth, he intended to cleanse and purify. The arrogant and evildoers would burn like straw. Pride was rampant; people were so self-sufficient and independent of God, really caring very little for God. The day of the Lord would be a day when all will be humbled. These verses can strike fear in the hearts of God’s people because there is a day of reckoning for everyone.

Vindication for God's People

God will always judge righteously. His presence will not just be a curse to the unrighteous, but the day of the Lord will be a blessing to those who are walking with God. Those who fear the Lord’s name will be insulated from the fiery furnace. Malachi tells the people, "The sun of righteousness will rise.” This is the only time this phrase is said in God’s Word! It conveys the idea of God shining His light on His people. This verse tells us also that God will have healing in His wings, both physical and spiritual healing, with a spiritual restoration from sin and from separation from the Lord. When God’s words are fulfilled, everything will be put back in order because God is just. All will be taken care of because God is coming to set up His kingdom and it is worthy of a great time of Jubilee!

Hope in God's Way

In the last three verses of Malachi, we find the second hope that Malachi brings to the Israelites' attention. Hope is found in God’s way. In verse 4, Malachi becomes very direct with the people of Israel. Israel was prohibited from separating the idea of following God from the idea of following His Laws. They were one and the same. Jesus even affirms this in Matthew 5:17: “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.” God had given Israel clear instructions for how to please Him and have an abundant life. God reminds the people over and over to hold fast to the Law of God, keeping it central in their lives and in their worship.

Remember the Word of God

After the law of God was established, God gave a “recipe of success” for the people of Israel in Joshua 1:7 – "Only be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go." Similarly, Malachi is pointing the Israelites back to the law of God once again, and urging them to remember it, understand it, meditate on it, and acknowledge God’s way. It should not surprise anyone that God used the last few verses of the Old Testament to remind His people to heedthe instructions of Moses. This is perfectly consistent with what He has instructed them to do from the beginning.

Christ Coming in Restoration

Malachi 4:5-6 points the people to an individual that is coming. This individual is like Elijah and at his coming he will initiate His Kingdom, and ultimately, He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, in a time of great repentance. This individual that Malachi is talking about is Jesus Christ. Our hope is in God’s way because God’s perfect plan culminated in Christ coming to restore His people to Himself. There were two parts to this restoration. First, Jesus came to earth as fully God and fully man to live this life as an example and as a perfect sacrifice for our sins, die for all mankind, and rise again, opening the door for restoration. And secondly, He will be coming back to see that restoration through, to set up His Kingdom on Earth.

Living in Hope and Faith

Christ is seated at the right hand of God, making intercession for us and helping us follow God’s way! We have everything we need to follow wholeheartedly and passionately toward God. God’s way is right and good and perfect. But He does leave the people of Israel with a warning: “Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” This is a reminder that the future restoration and judgement of God go hand-in-hand. The people of Israel lived under the law, but we have even more hope in the Church age because rather than consistently falling short of the law of Moses, we have access to the righteousness of Christ through repentance and faith.

Because of the seriousness of God’s judgement and the hope we have in God’s perfect plan, we need to be diligent to study God’s word and share it with those around us. I challenge you to live as instruments of God’s grace in your community, preparing yourself for the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Small Group Questions

  1. How do you personally relate to the excitement or fear of the future as discussed in the sermon?

  2. What does "the Day of the Lord" mean to you, and how does it impact your daily life?

  3. How can we ensure we are living righteously and not just going through the motions like the Israelites in Malachi 4:1-6?

  4. In what ways can we actively remember and apply the Word of God in our lives?

  5. Discuss the significance of Jesus Christ's first and second coming as described in Malachi 4:5-6. How does this give you hope?

  6. How can understanding God's judgment and vindication help us live as victorious and forgiven individuals?

  7. What practical steps can we take to share the Gospel and live as instruments of God’s grace in our communities?

If you want to learn more about the hope you can have through godly living, Shepherd Thoughts exists to help you live out your faith. If you or a friend needs support or resources to love God and love others more, please reach out to us today. We’d love to help.