Beware of False Prophets: Who Influences Your Spiritual Journey?

Big Idea:

Our spiritual journey hinges on discerning who influences us and how we are influencing others.

Today, let's delve into a crucial message from Matthew 7:15-20, where Jesus issues a warning about false prophets.

Understanding the Context

As Jesus concludes his message, he shifts to its practical application. Last week, we explored the importance of choosing the right path. Today, we focus on another vital aspect: discerning who we listen to. Jesus urges us to pay attention, to be cautious about who influences our spiritual journey.

Defining Terms

The term "beware" signifies more than mere caution—it's a call to attentiveness. Jesus warns us specifically about false prophets. Often, we associate this term with ancient times, but Jesus's message transcends time. False prophets distort God's truth and shift His standards to suit their agendas in any age. They may lurk within our own congregations, disguised as fellow believers.

Identifying False Prophets

Jesus highlights two traits of false prophets. Firstly, they alter doctrine, twisting God's Word to fit their narrative. Secondly, they move the standard, shifting the focus from God's character to their own ideals. These false prophets aren't necessarily obvious; they could be anyone within the church.

Heeding the Warning

Scripture repeatedly cautions us about false prophets. The same warnings are repeated in many places, including Jesus in Matthew 24 and Paul in his letters to the early Church; throughout scripture, the message is clear: be vigilant. Today, false prophets still abound, disguised as faithful believers.

Beware of Doctrine Distortion

Jesus stresses the importance of guarding against those who distort doctrine. In a world flooded with varied truths, knowing God's Word becomes paramount. We must anchor ourselves in Scripture, rather than relying solely on human interpretation. Without a solid foundation in God's truth, we risk falling prey to deception.

Beware of Standard Shifters

Just as the Pharisees shifted standards in Jesus's time, false prophets today can lead us astray by altering the benchmark. Our focus should always be on God's character, not on man-made standards. By adhering to God's standards, we stay on the narrow path.

Reflecting on Influence

Those who influence us have the power to shape our spiritual journey. We must evaluate our sources carefully. Are they leading us closer to God or away from Him? It's a sobering reminder that our influence, too, impacts others. Are we leading them toward Christ or steering them onto the broad path?

Conclusion and Application

Jesus's warning about false prophets resonates today more than ever. We must beware of those who distort doctrine and shift standards. Our spiritual journey hinges on discerning who influences us and the influence we exert on others. Let's strive to stay anchored in God's truth, guided by His character, and leading others toward Christ.

  1. Evaluate Your Influences: Reflect on who influences your spiritual journey. Are they leading you closer to God or away from Him?

  2. Assess Your Influence: Consider the impact of your influence on others. Are you leading them toward Christ or steering them off course?

Remember, our choices in who we listen to and who we influence are pivotal in determining our spiritual trajectory. Let's heed Jesus's warning and stay vigilant against the influence of false prophets.

Small Group Questions:

  1. How would you define a false prophet in today's context, considering Jesus's warning in Matthew 7:15-20?

  2. Reflecting on the blog post, why is it crucial to beware of those who distort doctrine and shift standards?

  3. Have you encountered instances of doctrine distortion or standard shifting in your spiritual journey? How did you handle them?

  4. What steps can we take to ensure we're anchored in God's truth and not swayed by false teachings or influences?

  5. Discuss the concept of influence evaluation. How can we discern whether someone is leading us closer to God or away from Him?

  6. As believers, how can we responsibly wield our influence to lead others toward Christ and the narrow path?

  7. In light of our discussion, what practical changes can we implement in our lives to safeguard our spiritual journey and positively influence others in our circles?

If you want to learn more about discerning truth, Shepherd Thoughts exists to help you live out your faith. If you or a friend needs support or resources to love God and love others more, please reach out to us today. We’d love to help.

Brian Cederquist

Brian Cederquist has the privilege to serve Christ as the Lead Pastor at Good News Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, MI. He holds degrees from Faith Baptist Bible Seminary (MDiv) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (DMin) and is a certified Biblical Counselor (ACBC).

Brian serves on several boards both locally and nationally including Regular Baptist Ministries (GARBC) and Lincoln Lake Camp. Brian and his wife Jenni have three kids.

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