At the 2024 RBM Conference, attendees were given the opportunity to fill out this ministry scorecard. You have the same opportunity! Once you fill out this scorecard, you can reach out to get direction on next steps and to be connected with others.

For the following statements, score your ministry on a scale of 0 to 2. At the end, add up your score to find out what category your ministry falls in and what steps you can take to help your church continue to grow.

0-Missing 1-Needs Improvement 2-Strong

  • My church is holding to a Biblical Doctrine that is actively lived out together.

  • My church is practicing financial and constitutional integrity with an established meeting place and presence.

  • My church is being led by Biblical leadership of elder(s) and deacons with a reserve of reproducing believers.

  • My church is pursuing a Biblical mission of multiplication in worship, discipleship, and outreach.

  • My church is fellowshipping with other churches through pastoral or church interaction through church-to-church and association meetings.

  • There is focused, passionate prayer for holiness, discipleship, and multiplication by groups of people at my church.

  • 80% of adult members of my church pursue “one another” commands together. Real fellowship is realized through living together and caring for one another with a loving, grace-filled, peaceable fruit-of-righteousness.

  • 75% of adult members of my church spend regular solo time with God 5 days a week.

  • 50% of adult members of my church have shared the complete gospel with someone in the last 12 months.

  • 50% of adult members of my church are intentionally discipling someone regularly and half of their disciples are investing in someone else as well.

  • My church has helped or is helping another church with disciple-making.

  • 5 to 10% of the current church membership has been added to my church through the salvation and baptism of adults in the last 5 years.

  • My church has sent someone we discipled into full time ministry within the last 5 years.

  • Internships have been or are being facilitated at my church.

  • My church has an excess of trained disciples for helping to plant or revitalize another church.


your church is


As a GROWING church, we challenge you to connect with a partner that can help you grow in making more and better disciples!


your church is


As an INVESTING church, we challenge you to find a pastor or church you can pour into, share resources with, and pray for!


your church is


As a MULTIPLYING church, we challenge you to take the next step toward facilitating training, revitalizing a church, or planting a new church!

We have resources that can help you grow, invest, and multiply!

If you have questions, please reach out!