Shepherd Thoughts

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Ordination Questions for Angelology (Angels)

These questions have been compiled from 10 ordinations within Baptist Church in West Michigan. I trust these will help you prepare for ordination and appreciate the Truth of God and His Word!

Ordination #1

1.         When do you feel the angels were created?

2.         When did Satan fall?

3.         What was the relation of God to Satan’s fall?

4.         What categories of angels are there?

5.         Who were the “sons of God” in Genesis 6?

6.         What are demons?

7.         Can angels fall today?

8.         What ministries do fallen angels have, and on behalf of whom?

9.         What ministries do unfallen angels have, and on behalf of whom?

10.        What do you believe about casting out of demons?

11.        Can people be possessed today?

12.        What does the phrase “demonized” mean?

13.        What influence or control can a demon have over a believer?

14.        How should we resist Satan?

15.        What would you do if someone came to you claiming to be possessed?

16.        Do you have any Biblical indication what proportion of angels fell with Satan?

17.   Is there any plan of redemption for angels? Why?

18.   Give Biblical indication that angels are personal beings, not mere forces. (2 Samuel 14:20, Luke 2:13, Jude 6)

19.   What passages speak of the fall of Satan?

20.   What does the phrase “elect angels” in 1 Timothy 5:21 imply?

21.   What is the future for fallen angels? For unfallen angels?

Ordination #2

1. How do you minister to someone who is attached and possessed by demons?

2. Would you try to cast out the demon?

Ordination #3

1. Would you practice an exorcism? What would you do?

2. Do you think Satan is currently bound?

3. What does it look like for Satan to devour a believer?

4. “Angels are the protectors of the saints” Explain how this works now?

5. What would you say to a believer that says, “the Devil made me do it”?

6. Can the Fallen Angels get saved?

7. Doesn’t everyone deserve a second chance?

8. Clear up for us, the identity of the Sons of God and Daughters of Men – Gen 6?

Ordination #4

- Do you think Satan is bound in this present age?

- Is he fully active today?

- Give us a statement on Exorcism.

- Genesis 6, are angels involved here?

- Why would God create Satan and let him be part of God’s plan?

- Can demons be saved? Doesn’t people deserve a second chance?

- Satan’s involvement right after creation, why did he move so quickly?

- Demonic activity – Is it worth knowing if a demon is tempting me or from within me?

Ordination #5

1. How are angels involved in individuals lives today?

2. How do you respond to a church member and a loved one passed away and said that Heaven just needed another angel?

3. Demons possess unregenerate. Explain

4. Why can’t they possess regenerate individuals?

5. Outside of Acts is there anything about Spiritual warfare?

6. How do you help a member think through temptation?

7. Could Satan use demons to tempt us to sin?

8. Why is it not wise to point out the devil’s temptation?

9. Job said that the devil walked to and fro – is the Devil anywhere? Or that many demons around? What would be the outcome?

10. Have you ever sensed that the Devil stopped by your place?

11. In what ways in 2020 would you say that Satan is attacking the church today?

12. Would you agree that the Devil is the god of this age?

13. Why would we see Satan is more active or dominate in certain areas of the world?

14. “Angels are accomplishing God’s purposes”, Show examples in scripture that they are helping individuals.

Ordination #6

1. Do you believe someone can be possessed? Will you cast out a demon?

2. Fallen angels are in the abyss, why were they put there? (reference could be in Jude)

3. Do each of us have a guardian angel?

Ordination #7

1. When were angels created?

2. How do you interpret Genesis 2:1 and Exodus 20:11?

3. Can born-again believers be demon possessed? Or influenced?

4. What is the work that Satan has on believers?

5. Genesis 6:2: Sons of God, daughters of Men. Who are they?

6. Jude 6: Left their own abode, upset with sin of the world. Not a question, but instruction.

7. Is exorcism valid?

8. How would you do it?

9. Ephesians 6:12-17: is this dream in complete agreement with God's Word? Is this a good litmus test?

10. How would you council someone dabbling with occult issues?

11. What is the motivation to stop?

12. In devotion time with teens, have you taught it yet?

13. Angels higher created order - Do they have image and relate to our image?

14. Explain near death experience.

15. Can the devil give people false memories?

Ordination #8

·       Are angels limited in space or infinite?

·       Why do you think 1 Peter 1:12 that angels long to look? Do they not understand, etc.? Do you think they understand salvation like we do? Why? Are they different from us? How?

·       Give us a statement on exorcism, are we called to cast out demons today?

·       Is demon possession still possible today?

·       What do you mean that Satan caused the Fall and originated sin?

·       How would you deal with a person who believes they or a family member is demon possessed?

·       What framework would you use?

·       Can a believer be demon possessed?

·       How would walk through a person who would say that we need to rebuke a demon from attacking a person or their body?

Ordination #9

Is it a valid ministry of the church to cast out demons?

What would you do if someone wanted help from demon oppression?

Do you feel the need to study up on this issue?

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