How do I navigate hindrances in my discipleship? How can I combat cultural hindrances? How can I disciple my church in today's culture?

Big Idea:

There are many obstacles to discipling your church community, but you are not alone in facing them!

As pastors and church leaders, we face numerous cultural challenges that can hinder our efforts to disciple our congregations effectively. Here, we will explore eight significant obstacles, offer strategies to overcome them, and remind you that you are not alone in this journey.

1. Diminished Value in Church Membership

Many in today's society see little value in church membership, making it challenging to foster commitment and participation. To address this, we must emphasize the biblical foundation and communal benefits of church membership. By creating engaging and meaningful church experiences and demonstrating the value of belonging to a spiritual family, we can encourage a deeper commitment. Remember, the early church thrived on the strength of its community, and we can too.

2. Sympathetic Communities Encouraging Grievance Groups

We live in a time where marginalized communities find solidarity in grievance groups, sometimes at the expense of church unity. It’s essential to build a church culture that genuinely cares for the marginalized while promoting reconciliation and unity. Offering spaces for open dialogue and understanding within a biblical framework can help bridge divides. You are not alone in seeking to foster a community where everyone feels valued and heard.

3. Lack of Respect for Male Authority

The erosion of respect for male authority poses a unique challenge in many churches. It’s crucial to model Christ-like leadership that earns respect rather than demands it. By demonstrating humility, service, and integrity, male leaders can build trust and respect within the congregation. We need to encourage and mentor the next generation of leaders to understand and uphold these values.

4. General Shortage of Shame

The acceptance of behaviors once considered shameful, such as gender fluidity and the normalization of LGBTQ+ lifestyles, can challenge traditional church teachings. Addressing this requires a balance of truth and grace. Teach biblical principles compassionately and create a supportive environment for those struggling with these issues. We must be clear in our teachings yet loving in our approach, remembering that every individual is made in the image of God.

5. Fear of Litigation

In an increasingly litigious society, pastors must navigate the fear of lawsuits, especially regarding slander in the public sphere. Establishing clear guidelines and training for church communications can mitigate this risk. Always speaking with grace and truth, and seeking legal counsel when necessary, will protect both the church and its leaders. Remember, wisdom and discernment are your allies.

6. Psychological Excuse Making

The prevalence of psychological excuse-making, where emotional abuse and other terms are often misused, can complicate pastoral care. It’s important to understand genuine psychological issues while also promoting personal responsibility and biblical counseling. Equip yourself and your team with knowledge and compassion to address these complexities effectively. You are not alone; many pastors face this challenge and seek the right balance.

7. Prevalence of Public Gossip

The rise of social media has led to the prevalence of public gossip and online posturing. Encouraging your congregation to engage in positive and uplifting online behavior is crucial. Teach the importance of guarding one's tongue and using social media to glorify God rather than spread discord. By modeling and promoting healthy communication, you can combat the negative influence of gossip.

8. Weaponization of Prophecy and Conspiracy Theories

Prophecy and conspiracy theories have become divisive tools within the church. It’s vital to focus on sound doctrine and biblical teaching, emphasizing discernment and unity. Encourage your congregation to seek truth in Scripture and avoid the distractions of sensationalism. You are not alone in this; many church leaders are striving to keep their congregations focused on the core message of the gospel.


The cultural challenges we face as pastors are significant, but they are not insurmountable. By being prepared, strategic, and united, we can overcome these obstacles and continue to disciple our congregations effectively. Remember, you are part of a larger body of Christ, and together, we can navigate these challenges with faith and perseverance. If you are seeking support in overcoming these obstacles, please reach out!

This article was inspired by a pastor fellowship presentation by Pastor Chris Weeks of Kent City Baptist. Used with permission.

Brian Cederquist

Brian Cederquist has the privilege to serve Christ as the Lead Pastor at Good News Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, MI. He holds degrees from Faith Baptist Bible Seminary (MDiv) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (DMin) and is a certified Biblical Counselor (ACBC).

Brian serves on several boards both locally and nationally including Regular Baptist Ministries (GARBC) and Lincoln Lake Camp. Brian and his wife Jenni have three kids.

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