Living Out the Great Commission: Practical Strategies for Transformation

Big Idea:

Living out the Great Commission is a life-long commitment.

The Great Commission, as outlined by Jesus in Matthew 28:18-20, is not merely a commandment but a calling deeply embedded in the Christian faith. It's a divine directive to share the teachings of Christ with the world and save souls. In this article, we will explore a range of practical strategies to fulfill the Great Commission, making it a personal commitment, and understanding its profound goals.

Understanding the Great Commission's Core Objectives:

The central objectives of the Great Commission revolve around spreading the message of Jesus Christ, which encompasses His love, redemption, and forgiveness. The ultimate aim is to create disciples who embrace faith, embark on a spiritual journey, grow in their relationship with God, and eventually become disciple-makers themselves.

Making the Great Commission a Personal Mission:

To effectively live out the Great Commission, we must internalize its significance and recognize that every believer bears the responsibility of carrying it forward. This involves weaving the Great Commission into the fabric of our personal faith, passionately sharing our faith, and inviting others to experience the transformational power of the Gospel.

Living out the Great Commission is not a one-time effort but a lifelong commitment. It requires the intentional integration of evangelism, discipleship, and love for others into our daily routines. This commitment is about seizing every opportunity to fulfill Christ's commandment.

Fostering an Evangelistic Heart:

To fulfill the Great Commission, we must cultivate a deep passion for spreading the Gospel. This genuine zeal is fueled by a profound love for people and an unwavering belief in the eternal significance of the message of Christ. It's about witnessing lives transformed through faith in Christ.

Many Christians wrestle with the fear of sharing their faith. Overcoming this fear involves placing our trust in God's power, shedding our apprehensions, and seeking the guidance and courage of the Holy Spirit. It's a call to step out of our comfort zones.

Building Meaningful Relationships for Successful Evangelism:

Effective evangelism hinges on building genuine connections with people. By nurturing these relationships, Christians can cultivate trust, demonstrate love and compassion, and create significant opportunities for sharing the Gospel on a personal level.

Spreading the Gospel in Everyday Life:

Living the Great Commission means being prepared to share the Gospel in everyday situations, talking about faith with friends, family, and coworkers, and actively seeking opportunities to exemplify Christ's love and principles.

Being a positive influence in the workplace and social spheres requires demonstrating integrity, compassion, and servant leadership. It also entails having purposeful discussions about faith, respecting diverse viewpoints, and creating an atmosphere of safety for open conversations.

Engaging in faith discussions involves initiating conversations with open-ended questions that encourage dialogue. Active listening to others' thoughts, doubts, and questions is crucial for understanding their perspectives. Sharing personal faith stories and testimonials can also be a powerful tool.

Evangelism in the Digital Age:

In the digital age, using social media platforms is an effective way to share the Gospel. Creating visually appealing content, sharing uplifting stories, devotionals, and biblical insights can strengthen faith and reach a wider audience.

Online communities around specific topics or interests can foster spiritual growth in an inclusive and supportive environment. Leading discussions, hosting virtual events, and providing resources to facilitate Gospel understanding are key aspects of this strategy.

Engaging in Missions and Outreach:

Local mission initiatives, volunteering at shelters, food banks, hospitals, and supporting social change activities are vital ways to fulfill the Great Commission at a community level. International mission trips to underserved areas and collaboration with missionaries are also significant.

Prioritizing Discipleship:

Discipleship plays a crucial role in the Great Commission. It involves mentoring, guiding, and equipping individuals to become passionate Christians and effective Gospel spreaders. Discipleship is about imparting spiritual knowledge and developing future leaders.

Prayer as a Key Component:

Prayer is the bedrock of Great Commission fulfillment. It allows us to seek God's help, intercede for people, communities, and nations, and pray for open hearts and divine appointments.

Addressing Challenges in Great Commission Fulfillment:

Overcoming obstacles in fulfilling the Great Commission involves persistence, trust, and stepping out of our comfort zones. Fear of judgment, rejection, and cultural barriers are common challenges. Strategies for overcoming resistance and persecution, resilience in difficult circumstances, and courage are essential.

Celebrating Success Stories:

Real-life stories of Great Commission implementation inspire and motivate Christians. These stories illustrate the power of the Gospel to transform individuals and communities, showcasing the possibility of change through faith.

Integrating an Intercultural Perspective:

Embracing diversity and respecting cultural differences are essential for effective evangelism across various cultures. Recognizing the value and beliefs of other cultures and adapting evangelism to cultural contexts is crucial.

Promoting Lifelong Commitment:

Fulfilling the Great Commission is not a one-time task but a lifelong commitment. It entails ongoing evangelism improvement, motivating future generations to continue the mission, and understanding that sharing the Gospel is an integral part of our faith journey.


In conclusion, the Great Commission is not just a commandment; it's a divine mission that calls every believer to share the transformative message of Christ with the world. By embracing its significance and integrating it into our daily lives, we can continue the legacy of spreading God's love, redemption, and forgiveness to all corners of the earth.

Small Group Questions

  1. Which aspect of living out the Great Commission resonated most with you? Why?

  2. Share a personal experience where you overcame fear or apprehension to share your faith. How did it impact you and those you interacted with?

  3. In your view, what is the role of relationships in effective evangelism? Can you share a personal example of a relationship that facilitated a faith discussion?

  4. How do you personally integrate the Great Commission into your everyday life, including your workplace and social interactions? What challenges have you faced in doing so?

  5. Discuss the role of prayer in your faith journey and in fulfilling the Great Commission. Have you experienced any remarkable answers to prayer in your evangelistic efforts?

  6. Have you participated in any mission or outreach activities, either locally or internationally? How did these experiences affect your perspective on evangelism and the Great Commission?

  7. In an increasingly digital world, how do you use social media to share your faith or engage with online communities? What strategies have you found effective, and what challenges have you encountered?

Brian Cederquist

Brian Cederquist has the privilege to serve Christ as the Lead Pastor at Good News Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, MI. He holds degrees from Faith Baptist Bible Seminary (MDiv) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (DMin) and is a certified Biblical Counselor (ACBC).

Brian serves on several boards both locally and nationally including Regular Baptist Ministries (GARBC) and Lincoln Lake Camp. Brian and his wife Jenni have three kids.

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