Big Idea:

Discovering the peace of God is a journey that begins with salvation through Jesus Christ and culminates in sharing that peace with those around you.

In the midst of the post-Christmas lull, as the remnants of festive decorations slowly make their way back into storage, there lingers a deeper contemplation on the true essence of the season. We've celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, the embodiment of hope, love, and peace. As we navigate the complexities of our world, questions arise – how does the world around us seek peace, and more intimately, how can we, as followers of Christ, find a profound and lasting peace that transcends the turbulence of life? Join me on this personal exploration as we unpack the layers of peace and discover the unwavering hope that comes with embracing God's peace.

Echoes of the World's Quest for Peace

In the tapestry of human existence, the quest for peace often takes unexpected and misguided turns. Wars, both on a global scale and within the confines of personal relationships, are fought in pursuit of peace. The cacophony of overpowering voices, whether in familial dynamics or political arenas, strives for a semblance of peace. Some choose to run – from reality, from circumstances, from the very essence of who they are – all in the elusive pursuit of peace. And then there's compromise, a delicate dance that attempts to bridge the gaps in the name of peace. Yet, as we know, these worldly endeavors often fall short, leaving us yearning for a peace that surpasses understanding.

Unraveling Jesus' Promise of Peace

In the quiet moments, we turn to the words of Jesus found in John 14:27: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." These words, spoken by Jesus to his disciples, echo through the corridors of time, offering a promise that transcends circumstances and defies the world's conventional understanding of peace. As we delve into this promise, we begin to grasp that the peace Jesus offers is not contingent on external factors but is an inner sanctuary accessible to all who seek it.

Navigating the Landscape of God's Peace

  1. Embarking on the Journey of Peace with God through Jesus Christ: The foundation of God's peace is laid in the acknowledgement of our need for reconciliation with Him, found through faith in Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:1)

  2. Living Out the Peace of God: Beyond mere theological understanding, this peace extends into our daily lives, providing a secure anchor in the storms of life. Jesus, too, experienced emotional turmoil but maintained perfect peace with God, showcasing that inner peace is achievable even amid life's challenges. (John 11, 12, 13)

  3. Expressions of Peace in Relationships: The ripple effect of peace starts with our relationship with God and extends into our interactions with others. Ephesians 2:14 highlights the transformative power of peace in breaking down walls of separation.

Cultivating the Soil for God's Peace to Flourish

  1. Foundational Salvation: The initial step involves confessing Christ as Lord and Savior, establishing the bedrock for peace in our lives. (Romans 10:9-10)

  2. Learning from God's Word: Immersing ourselves in God's Word becomes a transformative journey. Galatians 5 and Proverbs 1:20-33 offer insights into the correlation between walking in the Spirit, gaining wisdom, and experiencing joy and peace.

  3. Thankful and Adoring Prayer: Prayer becomes more than a ritual; it becomes a conduit for the peace of God to guard our hearts and minds. (Philippians 4:6-7)

  4. Obedience: As Jesus urged his disciples to move forward in obedience, we, too, find that peace accompanies a life lived in alignment with God's commandments. (John 14:31)

  5. Trust: Trusting in God's sovereignty becomes an active, not passive, endeavor. Through the examples of Noah, Abraham, Paul, and Peter, we learn that trust is rooted in believing God's promises and living accordingly.

  6. Sharing: Sharing the settled peace that we have with God with those who struggle with anxiety and worry is the ultimate way that we can cultivate soil that allows the peace of God to flourish in our lives. When we have peace, it naturally leads us to share!!


As we wrap up this personal exploration into the depths of peace, it's my sincere hope that you've found resonance in the journey. Acknowledging our need for reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ is the crucial starting point. Yet, recognizing that this journey isn't meant to be walked alone is equally vital. If you find yourself grappling with uncertainties or seeking guidance on your path to inner peace, don't hesitate to reach out for help. Whether it's through prayer, seeking advice from a trusted friend, or engaging with a supportive community, remember that help is available. Fear not to actively embrace God's peace, and if you need assistance along the way, let it be a shared journey toward profound joy and freedom from anxiety in the company of fellow sojourners.

Brian Cederquist

Brian Cederquist has the privilege to serve Christ as the Lead Pastor at Good News Baptist Church in Grand Rapids, MI. He holds degrees from Faith Baptist Bible Seminary (MDiv) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (DMin) and is a certified Biblical Counselor (ACBC).

Brian serves on several boards both locally and nationally including Regular Baptist Ministries (GARBC) and Lincoln Lake Camp. Brian and his wife Jenni have three kids.

Embarking on a New Journey: Where to start in your new life in Christ


Cultivating a Heart of Thankfulness: Trusting God's Word and Ways