Fragile for the Glory of God

When you set out to shine the light of the gospel into the darkness of this world, you will experience personal adversity. Paul experienced this adversity for himself and he teaches you how to decipher this challenge the right way for yourself. To respond properly when adversity comes your way, you need to acknowledge and embrace your personal weakness rather than repudiate it and become ashamed.

The gospel is a glorious treasure.

You need this reminder because you are doing a magnificent thing when you represent the gospel. Paul describes this magnificent work as shining "the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ" (2 Cor. 4:4). He also describes it as "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God" (2 Cor 4:6). This second description portrays something so astounding that it mirrors the way that God created the world at the beginning of time, when he spoke all things into existence out of nothing and commanded the light to shine in the darkness (Gen 1:3-4). This glorious light of the gospel is the "treasure" that Paul speaks of in 2 Corinthians 4:7 when he says, "We have this treasure."Being a witness for the gospel in the darkness of this world is just as profound, if not more profound, than when God created the world. Yet unlike Creation, God is using you as his agent to accomplish his marvelous plan. Unfortunately, you may respond to this arrangement in an undesirable way. You may inadvertently view yourself too highly as a result of what God is accomplishing through your life. For that reason, Paul reminds you of your true condition before God. Before him - before God - you are fragile and inferior.

You are a fragile and inferior vessel.

In 2 Corinthians 4:7, when Paul said, "We have this treasure," he also said, "in earthen vessels." These vessels are objects like jars of clay and other forms of earthenware. Such items are fragile, unlike the Tupperware and Rubbermaid products we use today. This word picture contrasts your ordinary weakness as a human being with the extraordinary power of God. Though God demonstrates his extraordinary power through your life, this does not make you an extraordinary, superhuman individual. You continue to be a weak and fragile person. Indeed, you are a very fragile person through which the extraordinary power of the gospel shines.

Though God demonstrates his extraordinary power through your life, this does not make you an extraordinary, superhuman individual.

By comparing you to a piece of everyday earthenware, Paul also teaches that you are inferior to God just as a clay jar is inferior to luxurious items crafted from silver and gold or fashioned in exquisite porcelain. Your value as a person does not come from you, but it comes from what God has placed within you. Apart from Christ, you are easily broken and undesirable; but with Christ, you have become a vessel that holds the magnificent power of God to do the work of gospel ministry. Yet even so, you yourself remain easily broken and undesirable.

The greatness of God shines brightly.

Indeed, it is through cracked pots like you and me that God has chosen to shine the light of his glorious gospel to the world around us. For that reason, you should reject the mistaken idea that Christian growth will somehow make you a more powerful and attractive person. Like Paul, you will continue to be fragile and inferior compared to God. Yet through your perpetual and complete weakness God will shine his light and display his power increasingly.

God has chosen to shine the light of his glorious gospel through cracked pots like you and me.

You will always be weak and God will always be strong, but his power will always be available to you in your weakness. As you witness the power of the gospel through your life, you must remain aware of your weakness at all times. Do not grow weary of this awareness. Do not be ashamed of your inadequacies.Though many would suggest otherwise, your weakness and suffering, hardships and trials do not serve as evidence of spiritual or ministerial failure. Instead, they provide a better platform for the bright light of the gospel to shine more brilliantly than before. The gospel is bright and powerful through you but not because of you. So the better you understand, acknowledge and appreciate your weakness, the more you will be able to witness the power of God.

Thomas Overmiller

Hi there! My name is Thomas and I shepherd Brookdale Baptist Church in Moorhead, MN. (I formerly pastored Faith Baptist Church in Corona, Queens.)

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