Books for Pastoral Perseverance

Sometimes a pastor needs encouragement to persevere through the challenges of shepherding and these three books do just that. If you are a pastor - or a church member who wants to better encourage, support, and understand your pastor - then I highly recommend these three books to you.

Facing Snarls and Scowls: Preaching through Hostility, Apathy, and Adversity in Church Revitalization

With this book, Brian Croft and James Carroll urge pastors to remain enthusiastic and faithful to their God-given duty of preaching the Word "in season and out of season," even when the preaching is not well received. They provide examples of faithful preaching from Scripture and church history, urge pastors to evaluate and improve weaknesses in their preaching, and encourage them to preach courageously and faithfully when their preaching encounters hostility, apathy, and adversity. Pastor, this book is easy to read and will do your heart well. Church member, this book will inspire you to value biblical preaching in a deeper way.

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Faithful Endurance: The Joy of Shepherding People for a Lifetime

Brian Collins and Jeff Robinson, Jr. provide a collection of 12 wise and encouraging essays, each from a different seasoned pastor, answering questions which other pastors have asked. The topics are:

  • Attending to your personal spiritual life
  • Leaving a church
  • Crafting sermons week after week
  • Facing criticism
  • Pastoring a church you wouldn’t attend
  • Caring for your wife in the midst of criticism
  • Feeling deserted by members leaving
  • Pastoring a small church that seems insignificant
  • Experiencing burnout
  • Shepherding a church that has outgrown your gifts
  • Handling financial burdens
  • Doubting your calling

Each essay provides a biblical, heartfelt, and mature perspective on each question. Pastor, if you are asking yourself any of these questions and don't know where to turn, this book is a good start. Church member, this book will open your eyes to the unique challenges that pastors face and equip you to befriend and understand your pastor in a whole new way.

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Ministering to Problem People in Your Church: What to Do with Well-Intentioned Dragons

This is a revised and expanded edition of the book formerly entitled "Well-Intentioned Dragons." It helps pastors understand and minister to people in the church who may mean well but cause more challenge and difficulty rather than help. This is an honest and straightforward book which has stood the test of time. It can help pastors grow in love, wisdom, and understanding in shepherding people. It can also help church members recognize ways that they may grow in Christlikeness and maturity.

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Thomas Overmiller

Hi there! My name is Thomas and I shepherd Brookdale Baptist Church in Moorhead, MN. (I formerly pastored Faith Baptist Church in Corona, Queens.)

The Baptism of the Spirit


Ambushed by Ambition