The Unbreakable Seal of the Holy Spirit

The Ancient Wax Seal

In ancient times, people placed wax seals on letters, scrolls and important document containers. Each seal featured a personal mark pressed into it, unique and distinct to the person who prepared the document. Only the authorized person could break the seal, and when they did, whatever the document contained could be enacted. That's exactly what you see happening in Revelation 5-6, for instance, as Jesus Christ will break seven seals, unleashing seven of God's judgments on the world.The apostle Paul used this same seal terminology to describe a way that the Holy Spirit acts for believers today (Eph. 1:13-14; 4:30; 2 Cor. 1:22). The apostle John may also mention this in his gospel (John 6:27).What does this description teach us about the Holy Spirit? He seals us.

The Permanent Seal of the Holy Spirit

Let's answer some basic questions about the seal of the Holy Spirit.

  • Who gets this seal? Everyone who believes in Christ, the good news of salvation (Eph. 1:13; 2 Cor. 1:22).
  • How long does this seal last? Until the day of your full redemption, when you see Christ in eternity (Eph. 1:14; 4:30; cf. Phil. 3:20-21, 1 Jn. 3:2).

This seal is permanent. God is the only one who may break it, to finish the work of redemption that he began in you when you believed in him. To those who suggest that a person may "walk away" from salvation, I reply that doing so would be impossible. No one but God can break the seal of the Holy Spirit on your life.

To those who suggest that a person may "walk away" from salvation, I reply that doing so would be impossible.

Whom Christ saves, he saves completely. Whom the Spirit seals, he seals permanently. This is the guarantee of God the Father, and no one can alter this course. Either you have believed in Jesus for salvation and God has saved you forever, or you have never been saved. But the seal of the Holy Spirit makes a third option impossible. No one is able to break the seal of God. You cannot lose your salvation. Neither can you walk away from it, because you are sealed by the unbreakable seal of the Holy Spirit.

Either you have believed in Jesus for salvation and God has saved you forever, or you have never been saved. But the seal of the Holy Spirit makes a third option impossible.

Thomas Overmiller

Hi there! My name is Thomas and I shepherd Brookdale Baptist Church in Moorhead, MN. (I formerly pastored Faith Baptist Church in Corona, Queens.)

Two Important Quotes from Martin Luther


The Holy Spirit and Believers in the New Testament