God Delights in Me

What do you enjoy? Do you have a list? Here's a list of some things that I enjoy:

As you think about what you enjoy, ask yourself another question. What does God enjoy? You will find an answer to this question in Psalm 149:4, and the answer astounds me. It says that God enjoys his people. How amazing is that? That means that God enjoys me! Think about that. If you are born again, a child in God's family, then God enjoys you. He delights in you. He takes pleasure in you. Now that's amazing.So, why is it that God enjoys me (when there are any number of reasons why he shouldn't), but I don't always enjoy God (when there is an infinite number of reasons why I should)? Knowing that God enjoys me, I should gladly and gratefully respond as Psalm 149:2 encourages me to do. I should "rejoice in my Maker." Allow me to encourage you to do the same thing. If God is your Father, then rejoice in him today. Why? Because he is rejoicing in you!

Thomas Overmiller

Hi there! My name is Thomas and I shepherd Brookdale Baptist Church in Moorhead, MN. (I formerly pastored Faith Baptist Church in Corona, Queens.)


Episode 100: Love is the Purpose of the Command


Love is the Purpose of the Command