Shepherd Thoughts

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Christ Died for Whom?

Bible students throughout church history have debated whether Christ died to provide salvation for the world, or to those who would be saved. I prefer to avoid the logical arguments of competing theological systems in favor of a more simple, twofold answer. (The one-word answer is 'yes' to both questions.)

  • 1 John 2:2 says, "And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world."
  • 1 Timothy 4:10 says, "For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe."

What do these statements of Scripture, by the Apostles John and Paul, reveal?

  1. Christ died for the sins of every person in the world.
  2. Christ died in a special way for those who believe on Him.

Did Christ die for the sins of every person? Yes. Did Christ die for the sins of those who would believe on Him? Yes, in a special way. How should I respond to this twofold truth?

  1. If you have not believed on Jesus Christ the Bible way, then you need to believe on Him to be your Savior from sin, death, hell and a wasted life (1 John 2:2). Check out this video to learn more.
  2. If you have believed on Jesus Christ as your Savior the Bible way, then you should find confidence in Christ to overcome sinful habits and choices (1 John 2:2). You should also work very hard to strengthen other Christians and to bring the lost to Jesus (1 Tim. 4:10).