A Thematic Outline of the Gospel of Mark

I. Introduction: Presenting the Son of Man (1:1-13)

  1. Announced by John (1:1-8)
  2. Affirmed by the Father (1:9-11)
  3. Tested by Satan (1:12-13)

II. Ministry in Galilee: Exposing His Authority (1:14-8:30)

  1. Preaching the good news in Galilee (1:14-15)
  2. Calling the first disciples – some fishermen (1:16-20)
  3. Demonstrations of his authority (1:21-34)
  4. Preaching throughout Galilee with his followers (1:35-39)
  5. More demonstrations of his authority (1:40-2:12)
  6. Calling another disciple – a tax collector (2:13-17)
  7. Questions about his authority (2:18-3:6)
  8. Attracting many followers (3:7-12)
  9. Calling all twelve disciples (3:13-19)
  10. Challenges to his authority (3:20-35)
  11. Parables about the kingdom of God (4:1-34)
  12. More demonstrations of his authority (4:35-5:43)
  13. Rejection of his authority (6:1-6)
  14. Sending the twelve disciples (6:7-13)
  15. Beheading John the Baptist (6:14-29)
  16. More demonstrations of his authority (6:30-56)
  17. More challenges to his authority by religious authorities (7:1-23)
  18. More demonstrations of his authority (7:24-8:10)
  19. Rebuking the religious authorities (8:11-21)
  20. Healing a blind man (8:22-26)
  21. Peter declares Jesus to be the Messiah (8:27-30)

III. Journey to Jerusalem: Revealing His Mission (8:31-10:52)

  1. Teaching about the cross (8:31-38)
  2. Transfiguration on the mountain (9:1-12)
  3. Expelling a demon from a young boy (9:14-29)
  4. More foreshadowing of his death and resurrection (9:30-32)
  5. Providing the twelve disciples with private instructions (9:33-10:16)
  6. Responding to public encounters (10:1-31)
  7. More foreshadowing of his death and resurrection (10:32-34)
  8. More teaching about the nature of true greatness (10:35-45)
  9. Healing another blind man (10:46-52)

IV. Ministry in Jerusalem: Enduring His Suffering (11:1-15:47)

  1. Entering Jerusalem triumphantly (11:1-11)
  2. Insightful teaching about the present situation in Israel (11:12-26)
  3. Religious authorities challenge his authority (11:27-12:44)
  4. Insightful teaching about future events pertaining to Israel (13:1-37)
  5. The death of Jesus transpires (14:1-15:47)

V. Conclusion: Announcing His Resurrection (16:1-8 [9-20])

  1. A visit to the tomb by some women (16:1-7)
  2. A frightened departure from the tomb by the women (16:8)
  3. A report by the women to the skeptical disciples (16:9-11)
  4. Appearances by Jesus to the disciples (16:12-18)
  5. The ascension of Jesus to heaven (16:19)
  6. The continuing ministry of the twelve disciples (16:20)

Thomas Overmiller

Hi there! My name is Thomas and I shepherd Brookdale Baptist Church in Moorhead, MN. (I formerly pastored Faith Baptist Church in Corona, Queens.)


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