A Christian Perspective on Springtime and the Seasons
The God of theSeasons
Each year, springbegins on either March 19, 20, or 21. Then autumn begins six months later. Thestart to both these seasons is called an equinox, which means “equalnight” in Latin.
On both thesedays, daylight and nighttime occur for equal lengths of time. What’s more, whenthe spring equinox occurs in the Northern Hemisphere, the autumn equinox occursin the Southern Hemisphere (and vice versa).
Our two otherseasons, summer and winter, begin with a solstice. On these days at noon,the sun is at its highest or lowest point in the sky. This marks the longestand shortest lengths of daylight each year respectively.
These seasons,marked by the movement of the sun, moon, and stars, remind us that God placedthem in the solar system for this purpose (Gen 1:14; Psa 104:19). They are not arbitraryevents. Like a most-reliable clock, he designed these seasons to occur for aslong as the Earth remains (Gen 8:22). He is the one who created the seasons (Psa74:17).
Springtime andRainfall in Israel
This wasespecially important for the nation of Israel to recognize after they had finallysettled into their land under Joshua. In Egypt, they had benefited from the prolificNile River, which independently sustained an expansive irrigation system.Palestine differed greatly because it depended entirely upon rainfall from thesky. The Nile River sustained Egypt, but rain from heaven sustained Palestine(Deut 11:10-11).
God promised toprovide Israel with the seasonal rains they needed (Deut 11:14). In doing so,he required the Israelites to remain obedient to his instructions and reliantupon his care (Deut 11:12-13). If they turned away from him to follow othergods, then he would withhold the seasonal rains from them, with direconsequences (Deut 11:16-17).
After centuriesof patient care and provision, the LORD reported that Israel had failed to fearhim, even though he was the one who sent them the regular seasonal rains (Jer5:24). They had chosen a defiant and rebellious mindset rather than an obedientand reliant one (Jer 5:23).
Springtime andRainfall Today
Thankfully we are not governed by the Mosaic covenant as Israel, receiving seasonal rains only when our nation is following God. In fact, Jesus points out that it is the benevolent and gracious character of God to provide daylight and rain for evil and unjust people, just as he does for those who are good and just (Matt 5:45).
God provides daylight and rain for evil and unjust people, just as he does for those who are good and just.
This is not arecent phenomenon. In a sermon to the pagan, idolatrous city of Lystra, Paulalso pointed out that God has been doing this from the beginning of the world (Acts14:15-17). He has been giving rain and fruitful seasons to the nations of theworld, regardless of their attitude towards him. Indeed, it is God who is thegiver of all our food and gladness.
King Solomon points to springtime as an especially joyous occasion. It follows a long and cold, dark and wet winter (Song 2:11). It welcomes a vibrant display of flowers with their fragrant smells and promises fresh fruit for times of enjoyment (Song 2:12-13). Against this backdrop, it even provides an ideal time for romantic love (Song 2:13)!
Springtime even provides an ideal time for romantic love!
On the first dayof Spring, you may not feel the warm rays of sunlight peeking through lushgreen trees quite yet. You may not smell the scent of aromatic flowers immediatelyor hear the playful chirps and melodious songs of the birds who are buildingtheir nests. But rest assured, the rain is coming, and the flowers are too,whether we deserve it or not.
A Christian Responseto Springtime
How should werespond to God’s faithful provision and patience with us this Spring?
First, weshould remember to praise him for the rain that falls and the grass that grows(Psa 147:7-8). Do not take these things for granted and certainly don’tcomplain when they occur, even if the rain gets you wet, and the grass makes youget out the mower.
Second, we shouldallow gladness to spring up in our hearts once again. Perhaps through thewinter your heart has grown cold towards God or towards the people in your life.Renew your commitment to rely on God and rekindle your love for those peoplewho are closest to you.
As daylightincreases, rains fall, and flowers grow again, may your heart for God – your Creatorand Sustainer – flourish like never before.